Friday 5 July 2013

Accepting My Recovered Body

So people asked Team Recovery if we could write about accepting your body once you are at your recovered weight.  As I have been at my target weight for seven years and like my body, I thought I'd give it a go to explain my journey.

I'll admit I did not love my healthy weight overnight. I remember the agony of going up a dress size and feeling like the world had ended. Going up a dress size to me meant giving up anorexia that little bit more.

In my first stages of recovery, when I was deep within the thralls of anorexia, I would cry if I gained 1kg. It was such a hard thing to explain to people - why such 'little' amount of weight gain had a devastating affect on me. Yet when I reached my 'turning point' and fully dedicated myself to recovery, I started to see this weight gain as a valuable step towards having my life back. Yes, I still often felt 'fat' and at times I felt so huge I didn't want to see anyone.

I guess what helped me was that I had started to see myself in the mirror for what I actually looked like. What was reflected in the mirror was not the grotesque, fat, gluttonous girl I expected. Instead I was faced with an emaciated, skeletal young child. I didn't want to look this way anymore. I wanted dresses to look good on me.

Most of all, weight gain equalled independance. It meant I could go to university; keep my job; go on holidays and nights out; be treated as an adult and make my own decisions.

It is hard to explain how I have managed to accept my body how it is. I suppose as I recovered and the more determined I was to beat anorexia, I realised that I was never going to be fat. I am at my natural body weight and what I like best is that I have curves now. I like the way my waist curves and that I have hips; I dress for my body shape; I love showing off my long legs; I love having breasts especially as they keep on growing :D

Although I don't believe compliments 100% yet, the fact that so many people comment on my 'great figure', I started to see it too.

I can look at the picture on this post and love what I see. I look healthy and happy :)

I like my body... in fact I even love it!